You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2008.


I though this bottle was (excuse my dorkiness) soooo darling, especially for the bargain Mart of the Wal’s price of $1.18.  (Though two days latter the report came out that plastic bottles were killing us, but the water we have at our house isn’t always safe for human consumption anyway…so what the hay.) But alas, all good things with cute cheap little stickers on them come to an end.  After about the fifth use, she done did spring a leak…I think that the cute H2O on the Go Jr. sticker was covering up a faulty seam job.  But!…But!…Turns out the sticker is removable!  So I am buying a higher quality ( but likely cancer causing) plastic bottle to carry my H2O on the Go Jr. sticker.  Or at least that is the plan, if I don’t get tired of the non-working bottle cluttering my desk and toss the whole thing…which, lets get real, is the more likely outcome.

Holy Buckets!
*No turning back now * Luckily, I brought a change of pants*

You don’t know me very well at this point, but I can assure you that jumping out of planes (note: by myself!) is completely out of character. 

I am usually the “old-fogy” that follows poor TallBoy around telling him to Slow Down! and Be Careful! and The Box Says You Should Wear Safety Goggles When Using This Power Tool!!! or, Shouldn’t We Be Carrying Bear Repellent Out Here?! I already plan to require our future children to wear helmets at all times…because, really, we should probably all be wearing helmets.

But, there is also a side to me that is stupid stubborn.  TallBoy has learned that if he tells me enough times (in a slightly mocking -it’s okay that you’re scared – I understand you’re a chicken crap and I still like you usually – when you’re not berating me for not using my turn signal properly – manner) that I am not brave enough to do something, I get pissy.  Usually just pissy enough to show him that I can, in fact, do impulsive (crazy) things.  I held out on the skydiving activity for years, but TallBoy, who is a somewhat experienced skydiver, was hell-bent on making it happen.  For four years, he recounted his thrilling, non-terrifying, completely safe, and all around Awesome! skydiving experiences…I initially agreed and we both began counting down the days, though probably for different reasons (I think I’m sick with the bird flew today hon, I can’t go.  Or it could be whirling trout disease – I’ve been spending a lot of time swimming at the fish-hatchery lately).  But, we had put down a non-refundable deposit, so that was that. 

And, I was assured that we would in fact be wearing helmets. And safety goggles. 

*Before the crash landing* Yeah, well, I'd like to see  you try it*

 There is a term at the drop zone used to describe the non-jumping spectators.  They are the “What For They Do That For” or the “WhoaFos.”  Why would you jump out of a perfectly good plan? (I mean, really, why would you.)  But this “WhoaFo” climbed out on the strut of a moving plane and (after some serious self-talk) let go.

The jury is still out on the entire experience and whether or not I will skydive again.  But, I think I now understand What For They Actually Do It For.  TallBoy has already made several more jumps over the last few weeks…and, I don’t think he is crazy for doing so (believe me, this is definitely an ‘a-ha’ realization). 

*Hot Stuff*

*Hot Stuff*

And, I learned something that I hope will stick with me.  There is a difference between being cautious and always expecting the worse case scenario.  I don’t need to be afraid of taking a risk every once and a while, to hope for the best.  Sometimes, I just need to shut-up…and JUMP!